Hi, my name is Dora.

There is so much I want to say but I’ll keep this introduction simple. I go to therapy weekly and meet with my psychiatrist every couple of months.

I’m consistent in my treatment for depressive disorder, panic disorder, mild agoraphobia, general anxiety, treatment for ADHD, and mood disorder with treatment towards Bipolar II.

I’ve made a lot of poor choices in my past and I’m unsure if that was the peak of my mental disorders or the cause of it. Sometimes I wonder if it was because of my childhood. Or I’m just a terrible person.

I’m still learning to live with “it is okay not to know” but maybe we will find out together someday.

I called this Wonky Mind because of the mantra I use to calm my distorted thoughts. Your mind is a little wonky right now but it’s okay. You’re safe and everything is okay.

This blog is a collection of my lived experiences. I created it in hope of helping someone out there find comfort that they are not alone.

Welcome to my journey and I hope you find the answers you’re looking for.